Friday, May 6, 2011

Lose Weight Cut Sugar

Sometimes I feel like a broken record, but it is very true--- If I could just name 4 things to improve your diet it would be to:

Drink More Water
Eat Lean Protein
Increase Your Fiber

AND... Limit your sugar.

It gets technical, because sugar is considered a carbohydrate (that means it comes from a plant) and most things we eat are "carbs". Fruit and vegetables come from the ground/plant, but can be very high in sugar. For instance, I do not consider peas, corn or potatoes a vegetable, I consider it a starch or just simply a sugar-- something quick to digest that has no nutritional benefit. Bananas for example are high in sugar, but easy to digest so many athletes eat them. The list goes on, BBQ sauce, alcohol, juice, sugar in dairy (lactose is a carb) etc, etc...

{Go to and look up carbs if you need more info}

In a typical diet, one would eat a deck of cards worth of meat (4 ounces of chicken let's say) any maybe 1/2 cup of vegetables (I prefer green beans) a salad or whole grains or fibrous carbs (quinoa, beans, sweet potatoes-- ahem, still a sugar!). For breakfast that would be 4 egg whites and 2/3 of a banana maybe a little oatmeal. Sad isn't it? We eat a lot of sugar. What if you want ketchup with your chicken or eggs, guess what.. that's sugar! You are down to one squirt of ketchup and a 1/4 banana or 1/4 cup of beans...

The reality is most people do not eat like this! I personally eat my oatmeal plain with cinnamon, I still get a little sugar from the starch, but I try hard to limit it and cut my cravings.

Ugh Depressing. So, my point is to read your labels and choose your foods wisely. It is about Quality, but I betcha if you start watching that sugar in your diet you are sure to see the pounds shed away!!

I love this website: it runs through any food possible and tells you all the information you need to know.

Questions- email me @
My favorite blog-

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Here is another Accelerated Exercises, that I have become addicted with.

There are 3 Exercises to the routine:
Front Raise
Lateral Raise
Cheer or Y Press- try to bring Dumbbells out to a "Y"

Now that you have the 3 exercises here is how you put into practice:

1 Rep of Front, Lateral, Cheer
2 Reps of Front, Lateral, Cheer
3 Reps, 4 Reps all the way to 10!

This gives you a total of 55 Reps per Exercise, your Shoulders will be BURNING after this! Try not to take breaks, and always practice good form.

Feel Free to email me with Questions:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ab series

Here is a very general way to do abs, most of these ab exercise are basic, I normally do more and a little bit more complex. By adding the inbetween exercices, you set a goal and a challenge.

Vertical Crunch

jump thru

side plank lifts 1 side

jump thru

side plank other side

jump thru

oblique twist

jump thru

Omit the Jump Thru- do 20 reps, add plank jacks

Omit the Plank Jack, d0 15 reps, add plank crossover
Hold plank, opposite hand to opposite knee..
(Sorry, no pic)

How to Incorporate High Intensity to your Workout

The biggest obstacle I see with indivudals now is how to train smart. So many people spend hours at the gym and do not see results. In so many words, listen to your body, if you think you can try harder than you most likely can.

With that said, how do you train at a higher intensity? How do you train to see results? First, measure your exertion by your heart rate. As a general rule, you want you want your MAX HEART RATE = 220- AGE. To figure out your "target" heart rate, it should be anywhere from 65-90% of that.

So once you know your #, how do you get there? Add HIGH INTENSITY INTERVALS (HIIT).

What are these HIIT?!?

Jumping Jacks
Jump Rope
Squat Jumps
Soccer Taps
Push Ups

It really is what you make of it, anyone can PICK THINGS UP, AND PUT THEM DOWN. Adding variation, intensity and quick movements really will add that extra 1% your body needs to see results. Ask yourself, How can I kick up my routine an extra 1%, it really is just that much.

Here is a sample workout:

25 weighted squats
10 burpees
25 crunches
10 burpees
25 push ups
10 burpees
25 bicep curls
10 burpees
25 tricep dips
10 burpees

Do you notice a trend? In between every exercise add, quick, fast movement. Try this quick circuit and let me know what you think! I also swear by burpees, the gym class squat thrust will kick anyone's A$$!!

Clean Eating

Legs Workout

Here is a new workout I did with my Friend, Kerry:

The Goal is to move fast, not take breaks and push through even the hardest muscle fatigue

Circuit 1:

50 Step Ups Right Leg
50 Step Ups Left Leg
50 Plyo Lunge

40 "
40 "
40 "

30, 20

This is the Plyo Lunge:

This is the Step Ups (I chose to just use my body weight):

Circuit 2:

50 reps jump Squats

50 Reps Mountain Climbers:

40, 30 20..

Circuit 3:

3 sets-

25 reps Plyo single leg press

25 reps Dead Lifts

This was a fun different workout that will sure to bring you results!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Dive Bomber Push Up- Tutorial

Exercise of the Day

The Dive Bomber Push Up- Targets the back, shoulders and abs. This is exercise is an advanced move. Try doing some yoga variations to work up to the Dive Bombers. I like to visualize myself going under a barbwire fence, and keeping my muscles relaxed.

Watch this video by a Sgt. Ken- for a tutorial.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Equipment- Crusades

Here is a short list of some of my favorite fitness equipment. Adding variety to your workouts makes them more challenging and fun!

Bosu Ball-

Stands for Both Sides up- adds a little variation to your workout. I like using it for Push Ups, Mountain Climbers and Burpees. There are a few different kinds of BOSU trainers, and they usually start at $100

The Stability Ball-

Its inexpensive- and one can pratically do any exercise on it. This picture shows someone doing a hamstring curl. I prefer adding a stability ball to my routine because it adds variation, core stability and a challenge!

Gymboss Trainer

This is very user friendly timer, it is small and allows you to do all the planning and have someone else keep score. For $20 it is not a bad deal. Try using it for Tabatta training or regular intevals.

TRX training-

This is a great invention, it is perfect for the "Fitness Anywhere" enthusiast.

For a little less than $200, you have to know you want this. It is small and easy to travel- TRX is a HOT trend now, but will not go out of style.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Nutrition Crusades- Making Better Choices

1. Try LEMON instead of butter or oil
2. Add Cinnamon to your Greek Yogurt or Sweet Potatoes
3. Use Greek Yogurt as a substitute to Mayonaise
4. Dark Chocolate has more fiber than Milk
5. Grind rolled oats instead of using wheat or white flower
6. Bake with Stevia (AKA Truvia) instead of stevia or other fake sweetners
7. Instead of butter or oil use fruit, such as applesauce in your baking (go to and check out Allie's yummy muffins and pancake recipes)
8. Grind Flax seeds to add Omega-3s, fiber and healthy fats to any dish
9. Cut your salad very finely, and dip your salad in the dressing
10. Simple is always best, dress your favorite foods with good quality coarse black pepper, sea salt and fresh herbs

Super Girl Workout

Another Bootcamper Inspiration:


Warm up- for 2 minutes on treadmill

Run at 90% of Max for 5 min

Walk for 2 minutes

Run at 70% of max for 3 minutes

Circuit 1-

1. Push Up, Plank- lift opposite hand and foot. repeat Push up, Planks and then other hand/ Foot

2. Drop Squat (Bow to the queen) to a lateral lunge- stay on same side then Switch

3. Mountain Climbers.


Walk, Jog Run- 1 minute intervals 3 times

My score- 3.8 mph, 7.0- 7.5 mph and 8.0-8.5 mph

Circuit 2.

1. Push up Jumps. Do a push up- then jump feet to hands- repeat. Push up, jump feet to hands

2.Crunch Isolates. Lift to a sit up, rest elbows on mat- bring hands out. hands in with elbow rested then lay down. repeat.

3. 30 jump Squats

Super Fly Workout

This Workout is inspired by my Wednesday morning Bootcampers- because they are super fly

Circuit 1-
3 sets of 60 secs

1. 3 Wide Mountain Climber with a push up
2. Dumbbell Step ups on a bench with a Reverse Lunge
3. Medicine Ball Drops

Circuit 2

3 sets of 60 secs

1. Reverse Pull up or iron man hang on smith machine
2. TRX 1 leg squat with a jump
3. Stability Ball- Ball Passes
4. Dive Bomber Push Ups

**If you have questions about these exercises or want more information please email me at

Healthy Protein Bars

I am always on the lookout for new recipes, that are EASY, HEALTHY and something my kids will ENJOY. It also doesn't hurt when I happen to have all the ingredients in my pantry!

This recipe is compliments of

Chocolate Protein Bar

Makes 16 bars

Serving size= 2 bars

calories- 96

fat- 1.4 grams

carbs- 12 grams

protein-10 grams


Pre-Heat oven to 350 degrees

1/2 cup Rolled Oats

2 Scoops of Vanilla Protein Powder

3 Tbs. of Baking Cocoa

1/2 Tsp Baking Soda

1/4 Tsp Kosher Salt

8 packets of Stevia- (or 1/2 cup equivalent of)

4 egg whites

1 cup Applesauce

Mix Dry ingredients and slowly add wet ones. Bars will take about 30 minutes to cook depending on oven. To check if they are done stick a sharp object down the center, if it wipes clean the bars are done.

I like to eat this as a post-exercise treat or even when I am craving something sweet. I haven't tried adding anything to them, but I bet they would taste delicious with toated coconuts or instant espresso for a REAL pick me up!

Enjoy- and tell me what you think!