Friday, May 6, 2011

Lose Weight Cut Sugar

Sometimes I feel like a broken record, but it is very true--- If I could just name 4 things to improve your diet it would be to:

Drink More Water
Eat Lean Protein
Increase Your Fiber

AND... Limit your sugar.

It gets technical, because sugar is considered a carbohydrate (that means it comes from a plant) and most things we eat are "carbs". Fruit and vegetables come from the ground/plant, but can be very high in sugar. For instance, I do not consider peas, corn or potatoes a vegetable, I consider it a starch or just simply a sugar-- something quick to digest that has no nutritional benefit. Bananas for example are high in sugar, but easy to digest so many athletes eat them. The list goes on, BBQ sauce, alcohol, juice, sugar in dairy (lactose is a carb) etc, etc...

{Go to and look up carbs if you need more info}

In a typical diet, one would eat a deck of cards worth of meat (4 ounces of chicken let's say) any maybe 1/2 cup of vegetables (I prefer green beans) a salad or whole grains or fibrous carbs (quinoa, beans, sweet potatoes-- ahem, still a sugar!). For breakfast that would be 4 egg whites and 2/3 of a banana maybe a little oatmeal. Sad isn't it? We eat a lot of sugar. What if you want ketchup with your chicken or eggs, guess what.. that's sugar! You are down to one squirt of ketchup and a 1/4 banana or 1/4 cup of beans...

The reality is most people do not eat like this! I personally eat my oatmeal plain with cinnamon, I still get a little sugar from the starch, but I try hard to limit it and cut my cravings.

Ugh Depressing. So, my point is to read your labels and choose your foods wisely. It is about Quality, but I betcha if you start watching that sugar in your diet you are sure to see the pounds shed away!!

I love this website: it runs through any food possible and tells you all the information you need to know.

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