The biggest obstacle I see with indivudals now is how to train smart. So many people spend hours at the gym and do not see results. In so many words, listen to your body, if you think you can try harder than you most likely can.
With that said, how do you train at a higher intensity? How do you train to see results? First, measure your exertion by your heart rate. As a general rule, you want you want your MAX HEART RATE = 220- AGE. To figure out your "target" heart rate, it should be anywhere from 65-90% of that.
So once you know your #, how do you get there? Add HIGH INTENSITY INTERVALS (HIIT).
What are these HIIT?!?
Jumping Jacks
Jump Rope
Squat Jumps
Soccer Taps
Push Ups
It really is what you make of it, anyone can PICK THINGS UP, AND PUT THEM DOWN. Adding variation, intensity and quick movements really will add that extra 1% your body needs to see results. Ask yourself, How can I kick up my routine an extra 1%, it really is just that much.
Here is a sample workout:
25 weighted squats
10 burpees
25 crunches
10 burpees
25 push ups
10 burpees
25 bicep curls
10 burpees
25 tricep dips
10 burpees
Do you notice a trend? In between every exercise add, quick, fast movement. Try this quick circuit and let me know what you think! I also swear by burpees, the gym class squat thrust will kick anyone's A$$!!